Telling stories from the Hudson River Valley
Portrait of Harriet Frisbee by Charles Wesley Jarvis

New York Portraits from the Permanent Collection at the Vanderpoel House

"Compared with other locations across New York State and across the nation, the county's historic portraiture is impressive, rich and varied."

Columbia County’s painted portraiture legacy spans more than three centuries of historically significant or artistically important works by self-taught, naïve and itinerant painters, as well as important artists of the time, and including some of the earliest works in America.

James Vanderpoel House, Mandel Gallery
16 Broad Street, Kinderhook, NY

Friday – Sunday 11am – 4pm

Admission: $5 for non-members, free for chidren, students and CCHS members

This exhibition is sponsored by Abigail hartman associates with special thanks to Brian ruhl