Rick Ryan Fund

We've matched $177,093 so far! Help us reach $250,000!

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Rick Ryan $500,000 Vanderpoel Fund

In December 2022, the Columbia County Historical Society received a generous bequest of $250,000 from Rick Ryan, a longtime CCHS Trustee and dedicated committee leader who died November 8, 2022. In the bequest, Rick designated the funds for ongoing preservation of the James Vanderpoel House — a structure for which Rick, a celebrated interior designer, had a special fondness. 
However, it was Rick’s wish that CCHS raise a matching $250,000 in order to unlock the bequest. To receive his generous gift, we must meet this fundraising challenge by October 2024.
With these funds, we will be better able to meet the challenges of caring for an over 200-year-old home — from structural improvements to interior repairs to exhibition development to enhance the visitor experience.
All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. You can make your gift here online or mail it to the Columbia County Historical Society, 5 Albany Avenue, Kinderhook, NY 12137 (please note “Rick Ryan Fund” in the memo of your check). 
We are so grateful for your support!